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Wollen Sie mehr über die Projekte erfahren, die im Rahmen des Kooperationsprogramms Interreg V A Mecklenburg - Vorpommern / Brandenburg / Polen gefördert werden? Das ist ganz einfach, denn diese Informationen können Sie jetzt auf unserer Programmseite finden!

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Announcement on the launch of a new version of the Competitiveness Base (BK2021)


Auf Ersuchen des polnischen Koordinierungsbehörde übermitteln wir Folgende Mitteilung über Änderungen in der Wettbewerbsbasis.
Die Mitteilung ist an die polnischen Begünstigten gerichtet.


The BK2021 production version has been launched on the 18 August 2020 (the announcement is published on the app web page). On the same day, the old version of the application has been blocked and access to it is possible only through the following url:

Since the 18 August 2020 it is not possible to add new contract notice through the archived version of the site.

·         The functionality of the new application

BK2021 handles procurement notices for both current projects and future Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the years 2021-2027. In addition to boosted performance, the new application also facilitates to submit offers by the system. It will be compliant with other applications of the 2021-2027 MFF.

Please send all questions and remarks related to launching and operational functionality of BK2021 to the email address: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

·         Trial version of BK2021

In order to facilitate future users, the trial version of the application has been available since July 24, 2020. The app url is published on the current Competitiveness Base web page.

There are also three types of instructions to help users become familiar with BK2021: context-sensitive instruction in the application itself, multimedia instructions and a text document one.

Relevant announcements regarding the implementation of the new version of BK2021 has been published on the current web page, users should be up to date with any new information.


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